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Meaning Of Veil

  1. n.
    Something hung up, or spread out, to intercept the view, and hide an object; a cover; a curtain; esp., a screen, usually of gauze, crape, or similar diaphnous material, to hide or protect the face.
  2. n.
    A cover; disguise; a mask; a pretense.
  3. n.
    The calyptra of mosses.
  4. n.
    A membrane connecting the margin of the pileus of a mushroom with the stalk; -- called also velum.
  5. n.
    A covering for a person or thing; as, a nun's veil; a paten veil; an altar veil.
  6. n.
    Same as Velum, 3.
  7. n.
    To throw a veil over; to cover with a veil.
  8. n.
    Fig.: To invest; to cover; to hide; to conceal.


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