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Meaning Of Talk

  1. n.
    To utter words; esp., to converse familiarly; to speak, as in familiar discourse, when two or more persons interchange thoughts.
  2. n.
    To confer; to reason; to consult.
  3. n.
    To prate; to speak impertinently.
  4. v. t.
    To speak freely; to use for conversing or communicating; as, to talk French.
  5. v. t.
    To deliver in talking; to speak; to utter; to make a subject of conversation; as, to talk nonsense; to talk politics.
  6. v. t.
    To consume or spend in talking; -- often followed by away; as, to talk away an evening.
  7. v. t.
    To cause to be or become by talking.
  8. n.
    The act of talking; especially, familiar converse; mutual discourse; that which is uttered, especially in familiar conversation, or the mutual converse of two or more.
  9. n.
    Report; rumor; as, to hear talk of war.
  10. n.
    Subject of discourse; as, his achievment is the talk of the town.
