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Meaning Of Rash

  1. v. t.
    To pull off or pluck violently.
  2. v. t.
    To slash; to hack; to cut; to slice.
  3. n.
    A fine eruption or efflorescence on the body, with little or no elevation.
  4. n.
    An inferior kind of silk, or mixture of silk and worsted.
  5. superl.
    Sudden in action; quick; hasty.
  6. superl.
    Requiring sudden action; pressing; urgent.
  7. superl.
    Esp., overhasty in counsel or action; precipitate; resolving or entering on a project or measure without due deliberation and caution; opposed to prudent; said of persons; as, a rash statesman or commander.
  8. superl.
    Uttered or undertaken with too much haste or too little reflection; as, rash words; rash measures.
  9. superl.
    So dry as to fall out of the ear with handling, as corn.
  10. v. t.
    To prepare with haste.
