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Meaning Of Like

  1. superl.
    Having the same, or nearly the same, appearance, qualities, or characteristics; resembling; similar to; similar; alike; -- often with in and the particulars of the resemblance; as, they are like each other in features, complexion, and many traits of character.
  2. superl.
    Equal, or nearly equal; as, fields of like extent.
  3. superl.
    Having probability; affording probability; probable; likely.
  4. superl.
    Inclined toward; disposed to; as, to feel like taking a walk.
  5. n.
    That which is equal or similar to another; the counterpart; an exact resemblance; a copy.
  6. n.
    A liking; a preference; inclination; -- usually in pl.; as, we all have likes and dislikes.
  7. a.
    In a manner like that of; in a manner similar to; as, do not act like him.
  8. a.
    In a like or similar manner.
  9. a.
    Likely; probably.
  10. a.
    To suit; to please; to be agreeable to.
  11. a.
    To be pleased with in a moderate degree; to approve; to take satisfaction in; to enjoy.
  12. a.
    To liken; to compare.
  13. v. i.
    To be pleased; to choose.
  14. v. i.
    To have an appearance or expression; to look; to seem to be (in a specified condition).
  15. v. i.
    To come near; to avoid with difficulty; to escape narrowly; as, he liked to have been too late. Cf. Had like, under Like, a.
