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Meaning Of Freight

  1. n.
    That with which anything in fraught or laden for transportation; lading; cargo, especially of a ship, or a car on a railroad, etc.; as, a freight of cotton; a full freight.
  2. n.
    The sum paid by a party hiring a ship or part of a ship for the use of what is thus hired.
  3. n.
    The price paid a common carrier for the carriage of goods.
  4. n.
    Freight transportation, or freight line.
  5. a.
    Employed in the transportation of freight; having to do with freight; as, a freight car.
  6. v. t.
    To load with goods, as a ship, or vehicle of any kind, for transporting them from one place to another; to furnish with freight; as, to freight a ship; to freight a car.
