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Meaning Of Formal

  1. n.
    See Methylal.
  2. a.
    Belonging to the form, shape, frame, external appearance, or organization of a thing.
  3. a.
    Belonging to the constitution of a thing, as distinguished from the matter composing it; having the power of making a thing what it is; constituent; essential; pertaining to or depending on the forms, so called, of the human intellect.
  4. a.
    Done in due form, or with solemnity; according to regular method; not incidental, sudden or irregular; express; as, he gave his formal consent.
  5. a.
    Devoted to, or done in accordance with, forms or rules; punctilious; regular; orderly; methodical; of a prescribed form; exact; prim; stiff; ceremonious; as, a man formal in his dress, his gait, his conversation.
  6. a.
    Having the form or appearance without the substance or essence; external; as, formal duty; formal worship; formal courtesy, etc.
  7. a.
    Dependent in form; conventional.
  8. a.
    Sound; normal.
