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Meaning Of Dark

  1. a.
    Destitute, or partially destitute, of light; not receiving, reflecting, or radiating light; wholly or partially black, or of some deep shade of color; not light-colored; as, a dark room; a dark day; dark cloth; dark paint; a dark complexion.
  2. a.
    Not clear to the understanding; not easily seen through; obscure; mysterious; hidden.
  3. a.
    Destitute of knowledge and culture; in moral or intellectual darkness; unrefined; ignorant.
  4. a.
    Evincing black or foul traits of character; vile; wicked; atrocious; as, a dark villain; a dark deed.
  5. a.
    Foreboding evil; gloomy; jealous; suspicious.
  6. a.
    Deprived of sight; blind.
  7. n.
    Absence of light; darkness; obscurity; a place where there is little or no light.
  8. n.
    The condition of ignorance; gloom; secrecy.
  9. n.
    A dark shade or dark passage in a painting, engraving, or the like; as, the light and darks are well contrasted.
  10. v. t.
    To darken to obscure.
