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Meaning Of Crawl

  1. v. i.
    To move slowly by drawing the body along the ground, as a worm; to move slowly on hands and knees; to creep.
  2. v. i.
    to move or advance in a feeble, slow, or timorous manner.
  3. v. i.
    To advance slowly and furtively; to insinuate one's self; to advance or gain influence by servile or obsequious conduct.
  4. v. i.
    To have a sensation as of insect creeping over the body; as, the flesh crawls. See Creep, v. i., 7.
  5. n.
    The act or motion of crawling; slow motion, as of a creeping animal.
  6. n.
    A pen or inclosure of stakes and hurdles on the seacoast, for holding fish.
