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Meaning Of Click

  1. v. i.
    To make a slight, sharp noise (or a succession of such noises), as by gentle striking; to tick.
  2. v. t.
    To move with the sound of a click.
  3. v. t.
    To cause to make a clicking noise, as by striking together, or against something.
  4. n.
    A slight sharp noise, such as is made by the cocking of a pistol.
  5. n.
    A kind of articulation used by the natives of Southern Africa, consisting in a sudden withdrawal of the end or some other portion of the tongue from a part of the mouth with which it is in contact, whereby a sharp, clicking sound is produced. The sounds are four in number, and are called cerebral, palatal, dental, and lateral clicks or clucks, the latter being the noise ordinarily used in urging a horse forward.
  6. v. t.
    To snatch.
  7. n.
    A detent, pawl, or ratchet, as that which catches the cogs of a ratchet wheel to prevent backward motion. See Illust. of Ratched wheel.
  8. n.
    The latch of a door.
