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Meaning Of Blur

  1. v. t.
    To render obscure by making the form or outline of confused and uncertain, as by soiling; to smear; to make indistinct and confused; as, to blur manuscript by handling it while damp; to blur the impression of a woodcut by an excess of ink.
  2. v. t.
    To cause imperfection of vision in; to dim; to darken.
  3. v. t.
    To sully; to stain; to blemish, as reputation.
  4. n.
    That which obscures without effacing; a stain; a blot, as upon paper or other substance.
  5. n.
    A dim, confused appearance; indistinctness of vision; as, to see things with a blur; it was all blur.
  6. n.
    A moral stain or blot.
