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Meaning Of Blanch

  1. a.
    To take the color out of, and make white; to bleach; as, to blanch linen; age has blanched his hair.
  2. a.
    To bleach by excluding the light, as the stalks or leaves of plants, by earthing them up or tying them together.
  3. a.
    To make white by removing the skin of, as by scalding; as, to blanch almonds.
  4. a.
    To whiten, as the surface of meat, by plunging into boiling water and afterwards into cold, so as to harden the surface and retain the juices.
  5. a.
    To give a white luster to (silver, before stamping, in the process of coining.).
  6. a.
    To cover (sheet iron) with a coating of tin.
  7. a.
    Fig.: To whiten; to give a favorable appearance to; to whitewash; to palliate.
  8. v. i.
    To grow or become white; as, his cheek blanched with fear; the rose blanches in the sun.
  9. v. t.
    To avoid, as from fear; to evade; to leave unnoticed.
  10. v. t.
    To cause to turn aside or back; as, to blanch a deer.
  11. v. i.
    To use evasion.
  12. n.
    Ore, not in masses, but mixed with other minerals.
