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Meaning Of Back

  1. n.
    A large shallow vat; a cistern, tub, or trough, used by brewers, distillers, dyers, picklers, gluemakers, and others, for mixing or cooling wort, holding water, hot glue, etc.
  2. n.
    A ferryboat. See Bac, 1.
  3. n.
    In human beings, the hinder part of the body, extending from the neck to the end of the spine; in other animals, that part of the body which corresponds most nearly to such part of a human being; as, the back of a horse, fish, or lobster.
  4. n.
    An extended upper part, as of a mountain or ridge.
  5. n.
    The outward or upper part of a thing, as opposed to the inner or lower part; as, the back of the hand, the back of the foot, the back of a hand rail.
  6. n.
    The part opposed to the front; the hinder or rear part of a thing; as, the back of a book; the back of an army; the back of a chimney.
  7. n.
    The part opposite to, or most remote from, that which fronts the speaker or actor; or the part out of sight, or not generally seen; as, the back of an island, of a hill, or of a village.
  8. n.
    The part of a cutting tool on the opposite side from its edge; as, the back of a knife, or of a saw.
  9. n.
    A support or resource in reserve.
  10. n.
    The keel and keelson of a ship.
  11. n.
    The upper part of a lode, or the roof of a horizontal underground passage.
  12. n.
    A garment for the back; hence, clothing.
  13. a.
    Being at the back or in the rear; distant; remote; as, the back door; back settlements.
  14. a.
    Being in arrear; overdue; as, back rent.
  15. a.
    Moving or operating backward; as, back action.
  16. v. i.
    To get upon the back of; to mount.
  17. v. i.
    To place or seat upon the back.
  18. v. i.
    To drive or force backward; to cause to retreat or recede; as, to back oxen.
  19. v. i.
    To make a back for; to furnish with a back; as, to back books.
  20. v. i.
    To adjoin behind; to be at the back of.
  21. v. i.
    To write upon the back of; as, to back a letter; to indorse; as, to back a note or legal document.
  22. v. i.
    To support; to maintain; to second or strengthen by aid or influence; as, to back a friend.
  23. v. i.
    To bet on the success of; -- as, to back a race horse.
  24. v. i.
    To move or go backward; as, the horse refuses to back.
  25. v. i.
    To change from one quarter to another by a course opposite to that of the sun; -- used of the wind.
  26. v. i.
    To stand still behind another dog which has pointed; -- said of a dog.
  27. adv.
    In, to, or toward, the rear; as, to stand back; to step back.
  28. adv.
    To the place from which one came; to the place or person from which something is taken or derived; as, to go back for something left behind; to go back to one's native place; to put a book back after reading it.
  29. adv.
    To a former state, condition, or station; as, to go back to private life; to go back to barbarism.
  30. adv.
    (Of time) In times past; ago.
  31. adv.
    Away from contact; by reverse movement.
  32. adv.
    In concealment or reserve; in one's own possession; as, to keep back the truth; to keep back part of the money due to another.
  33. adv.
    In a state of restraint or hindrance.
  34. adv.
    In return, repayment, or requital.
  35. adv.
    In withdrawal from a statement, promise, or undertaking; as, he took back0 the offensive words.
  36. adv.
    In arrear; as, to be back in one's rent.
