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Meaning Of Address

  1. v.
    To aim; to direct.
  2. v.
    To prepare or make ready.
  3. v.
    Reflexively: To prepare one's self; to apply one's skill or energies (to some object); to betake.
  4. v.
    To clothe or array; to dress.
  5. v.
    To direct, as words (to any one or any thing); to make, as a speech, petition, etc. (to any one, an audience).
  6. v.
    To direct speech to; to make a communication to, whether spoken or written; to apply to by words, as by a speech, petition, etc., to speak to; to accost.
  7. v.
    To direct in writing, as a letter; to superscribe, or to direct and transmit; as, he addressed a letter.
  8. v.
    To make suit to as a lover; to court; to woo.
  9. v.
    To consign or intrust to the care of another, as agent or factor; as, the ship was addressed to a merchant in Baltimore.
  10. v. i.
    To prepare one's self.
  11. v. i.
    To direct speech.
  12. v. t.
    Act of preparing one's self.
  13. v. t.
    Act of addressing one's self to a person; verbal application.
  14. v. t.
    A formal communication, either written or spoken; a discourse; a speech; a formal application to any one; a petition; a formal statement on some subject or special occasion; as, an address of thanks, an address to the voters.
  15. v. t.
    Direction or superscription of a letter, or the name, title, and place of residence of the person addressed.
  16. v. t.
    Manner of speaking to another; delivery; as, a man of pleasing or insinuating address.
  17. v. t.
    Attention in the way one's addresses to a lady.
  18. v. t.
    Skill; skillful management; dexterity; adroitness.
