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Meaning Of Worship

  1. a.
    Excellence of character; dignity; worth; worthiness.
  2. a.
    Honor; respect; civil deference.
  3. a.
    Hence, a title of honor, used in addresses to certain magistrates and others of rank or station.
  4. a.
    The act of paying divine honors to the Supreme Being; religious reverence and homage; adoration, or acts of reverence, paid to God, or a being viewed as God.
  5. a.
    Obsequious or submissive respect; extravagant admiration; adoration.
  6. a.
    An object of worship.
  7. v. t.
    To respect; to honor; to treat with civil reverence.
  8. v. t.
    To pay divine honors to; to reverence with supreme respect and veneration; to perform religious exercises in honor of; to adore; to venerate.
  9. v. t.
    To honor with extravagant love and extreme submission, as a lover; to adore; to idolize.
  10. v. i.
    To perform acts of homage or adoration; esp., to perform religious service.
