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Meaning Of Stranger

  1. n.
    One who is strange, foreign, or unknown.
  2. n.
    One who comes from a foreign land; a foreigner.
  3. n.
    One whose home is at a distance from the place where he is, but in the same country.
  4. n.
    One who is unknown or unacquainted; as, the gentleman is a stranger to me; hence, one not admitted to communication, fellowship, or acquaintance.
  5. n.
    One not belonging to the family or household; a guest; a visitor.
  6. n.
    One not privy or party an act, contract, or title; a mere intruder or intermeddler; one who interferes without right; as, actual possession of land gives a good title against a stranger having no title; as to strangers, a mortgage is considered merely as a pledge; a mere stranger to the levy.
  7. v. t.
    To estrange; to alienate.
