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Meaning Of Market

  1. n.
    A meeting together of people, at a stated time and place, for the purpose of traffic (as in cattle, provisions, wares, etc.) by private purchase and sale, and not by auction; as, a market is held in the town every week.
  2. n.
    A public place (as an open space in a town) or a large building, where a market is held; a market place or market house; esp., a place where provisions are sold.
  3. n.
    An opportunity for selling anything; demand, as shown by price offered or obtainable; a town, region, or country, where the demand exists; as, to find a market for one's wares; there is no market for woolen cloths in that region; India is a market for English goods.
  4. n.
    Exchange, or purchase and sale; traffic; as, a dull market; a slow market.
  5. n.
    The price for which a thing is sold in a market; market price. Hence: Value; worth.
  6. n.
    The privelege granted to a town of having a public market.
  7. v. i.
    To deal in a market; to buy or sell; to make bargains for provisions or goods.
  8. v. t.
    To expose for sale in a market; to traffic in; to sell in a market, and in an extended sense, to sell in any manner; as, most of the farmes have marketed their crops.
