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Meaning Of Cheer

  1. n.
    The face; the countenance or its expression.
  2. n.
    Feeling; spirit; state of mind or heart.
  3. n.
    Gayety; mirth; cheerfulness; animation.
  4. n.
    That which promotes good spirits or cheerfulness; provisions prepared for a feast; entertainment; as, a table loaded with good cheer.
  5. n.
    A shout, hurrah, or acclamation, expressing joy enthusiasm, applause, favor, etc.
  6. v. t.
    To cause to rejoice; to gladden; to make cheerful; -- often with up.
  7. v. t.
    To infuse life, courage, animation, or hope, into; to inspirit; to solace or comfort.
  8. v. t.
    To salute or applaud with cheers; to urge on by cheers; as, to cheer hounds in a chase.
  9. v. i.
    To grow cheerful; to become gladsome or joyous; -- usually with up.
  10. v. i.
    To be in any state or temper of mind.
  11. v. i.
    To utter a shout or shouts of applause, triumph, etc.
